As a sequel to a request from NASA, PaleBlue has developed a VR training system. This solution models a NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) habitat, and is meant for use in the training of astronauts.

The project has been in development for more than a year. During this time, a number of features were implemented for the system:
- An accurate model of the habitat has been created, with all the control elements.
- The latest PaleBlue Avatar modeling technology, based on PaleBlue Simulator Platform, has been integrated into the system.
- The required action procedures have been added to the system by PaleBlue engineers.
- VR interactions have been implemented for the equipment in the habitat.

While being available to run as a desktop VR experience (such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive), the system has been specially adapted to run as a standalone VR experience on Oculus Quest. This change was implemented in a very short time frame from June, when Oculus Quest became available on the market, to July 2019.

The solution was designed for use in a wireless free-roaming VR mode with multiple users, who communicate and cooperate while performing tasks in VR.
On July 26, the training system finally made its way to NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston. There it was demonstrated by PaleBlue, and tried out by NASA specialists. David Coan, EVA Specialist/Project Lead at NASA, stated that PaleBlue’s system featured the best modeling of the habitat that had been seen so far.

Addressing this project, Felix Gorbatsevich, the Managing Director of PaleBlue, said: “At PaleBlue, we strive to deliver simulators and VR systems that help companies reach their goals. We are thrilled to have had a chance to contribute to mankind’s space exploration. As a company, we will continue our work to improve the simulation and VR technology further.”
About Johnson Space Center
NASA Johnson Space Center was established in 1961 as the Manned Spaceflight Center, the home and Mission Control Center for the U.S. human space flight program. JSC presently serves as the home of mission control, NASA’s lead for International Space Station operations and missions, home to the Orion Multi-purpose crew vehicle, and numerous advanced human exploration projects.
About PaleBlue
PaleBlue is the leading provider of immersive technologies and training solutions. Our focus is on achieving excellence by delivering value-driven solutions enabled with AR and VR technology. PaleBlue 3D simulators are built for the real world and help businesses worldwide better prepare for real-life situations and emergencies.
PaleBlue Simulator Solutions
Our solution engineers can tailor a training simulator for your company with ease.
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